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Process control in a sentence

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Sentence count:172Posted:2018-08-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: access controlprocess schedulerprocess capabilityarms controlmicrocontrollerbrightness contrastcontrol programcentral processing unit
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61. The application of soft sensor and advanced process control technology in aromatics disproportionation unit is introduced.
62. Objective:To develop a laboratory information system(LIS)that satisfies the management and process control of microbiologic analysis.
63. The system operator has three main functions : transfer (inter-regional and international transit), process control and balance of the electric power system.
64. Roofing materials ultimately feed control system for automatic anti-sway control, to move materials, both stable and fast the process control requirements.
65. Considering the different of PTA grain size, using different process control emphasis and depressurize operation, the problem of high DEG content was solved.
66. OPC applies OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) technology into Industry Process Control Fields, and provides a kind of standard data access method.
67. Presents the principle of statistics process control, the judgement of state in statistical control for a process by means of control chart, and the analyses and improves process capability.
68. A compression approach of industrial flow diagram was proposed paper against the process control properties.
69. However, many business systems developed the process control module bundled with itself, in this way, the process control module is difficult to be reused in other business systems.
70. In this paper, how to improve quality of UHT milk product were mainly discussed from raw milk, process control and end-product distribution points of view.
71. In accordance with the existing problems in process control systems using modems for serial asynchronous data communication, effective handling measures are stated.
72. An electronic process control panel with I/O boards, an industrial computer and a color monitor.
73. This work demonstrates the efficient method of process control based on the batch raw sugar crystalliser model to improve the crystal rate and shorten the crystal time.
74. A locally make windows-based process control software was used to develop the user interface of the control system.
75. Each process is a process control block ( PCB ) said.
76. Based on the optimal closed-loop transfer function, a new design method of optimal controller is proposed; which can be widely used to a process control sys-tem and for instrumental calibration.
77. However, many problems remains in the project planning and scheduling and process control in Aerospace Model Engineering project management of China.
78. The protection and rapid recovery of application software system for process control in chemical production were introduced.
79. It uses heating forms such as steam, liquefied gas, natural gas and electromagnet, uses electromagnet protection standard, finishes process control integral control, and filling in domestic gap.
80. The computer simulation result shows that this algorithm is simple and useful, and can be available for computer process control system to improve the control character.
81. The start-stop control combined process control, regulation control and coordination control so as to realize complicated process control.
82. An integrated RH process control model and its industrial application are introduced.
83. The distributed control system ( DCS ) is a main channel for realizing modern industrial process control.
84. The paper discusses the resource management, interprocessor communication, process control, state monitor and error processing, which are important technical problems for RCDOS.
85. They consist of:An electronic process control panel with I/O boards, an industrial computer and a color monitor.
86. The factors and nature reasons of influencing the quality of alkylphenol were described and the control methods were discussed also, it is useful for the producing process control of the product.
86. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87. In addition, a software package with controller performance evaluation, parameters tuning and optimiazaion designed for a typical process control loop.
88. Proteus simulation diagram with the use of single - chip crystal display process control, crystal models for 1602.
89. In particular, we adopt the "crosstie" layout to get rid of the macro variation coming from process control and demonstrate that the device variation actually varies as the device distance increases.
90. The professional terminology and model of batch process control standard ISA S88 was introduced. Explained in detail how the batch control system realized the batch execution.
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